Happy New Years!
Last year was an amazing time for my blog..
I hope you viewers keep up the good comments..
Idk what else to say..
Well, if you was listening to KIIS FM last night at round 6 PM (PST) you probably heard DJ Drew's DJ-ing thing. I think he did a pretty good job putting the year in review..
May your New Year bring you wealth, prosperity, happiness, and kindness!
Does wealth and prosperity mean the same thing? ._.
Monday, December 31, 2012
2012 in review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here's an excerpt:
Click here to see the complete report.
Here's an excerpt:
600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 10,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 17 years to get that many views.
Click here to see the complete report.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
2012..Its Almost the End.
Happy New Years Eve!
2012 has been a great blogging year, and surely, it won't be the last!
What are some things that happened this year?
How was this year for you?(:
2012 has been a great blogging year, and surely, it won't be the last!
What are some things that happened this year?
- School in Texas tracking the students. Remember that? (:
- I changed my profile picture!
- Gangnam Style becomes a HUGE hit; viewed by over 3 Million people, and still counting
- YouTube updates their website
- Jeff Fantage Blog becomes Random Blogger
- Tara updates her blog to Star of Randomness
- iPhone and iPad mini came out
- 2(or maybe just 1) contests held on my blog
- Someone got a UGC from me!
- Sparkle-Mistie quits blogging for a bit..her life just got a whole lot busier.
- I'm halfway through the school year.. :'[
- My blog's hits are still a-climbing
- Liyala buys her own blog domain..c: and now is the only one playing music on her blog compared to the rest of us..xD
- Fantage updates itself to what it is now.
- My blog got hacked.
- Eli's blog got hacked.
- I made posts.
- Fruit decreased in posts(I've noticed since November..) hope she's okay in real life and nothing bad happened to her.
- I made a page about Swagbucks.
- Ryanrox79 creates his blog(if there is another owner, you could make yourself known so Ryan doesn't get all the credit..xD)
- Lenovo introduces YOGA which is a full on tablet and laptop in one. Its has even been recognized by C-NET as being one of the 100 influential products/something.
- Obama beats Romney with a staggering large number of electoral votes.
How was this year for you?(:
This Blog Got Some Updates!
I updated the sidebar to have more features, so you can check that out. And there are also fishes at the bottom of the page if you are interested. So, why not scroll down the sidebar and ask Simeon ,or however you spell her name, a question?
Some Info on White Tigers..
This post is published later than the one on WP Random Blogger because I forgot to publish this post..
Here is a picture of a white tiger(copyrights go to their respective owners):
Here is a picture of a white tiger(copyrights go to their respective owners):
You are probably wondering why I am saying this rare species should go extinct. After all, shouldn't we try to preserve the rare creatures of Earth? Yes we should, but this is one of the creatures that can be made an exception..
White tigers look like majestic, dream-like creatures. Even so, they were not naturally meant to be here..
There are thousands of captive tigers in zoos and similar places all around the world. As the source says,"If tigers can survive and breed well in captivity, then perhaps more can be introduced to the wild when safe habitat becomes available." But this isn't going to work for many of the tiger species in captivity. A large portion of the captive tigers(like the white tiger shown above) are hybrids of various subspecies. Remember how I said earlier that white tigers were naturally not meant to be here?
Quote from source: White tigers are not a subspecies at all but rather the result of a mutant gene that has been artificially selected through massive inbreeding to produce oddball animals for human entertainment.
Many zoos that feature mutant creatures hide the fact that the creatures are indeed mutants.
One example, the Cincinnati Zoo, label the white tigers that they showcase as "species at risk!". From source,"Nowhere on the zoo’s website or at its tiger enclosures does it point out that this species at risk is in fact an ecologically useless hybrid of Bengal and Siberian strains, inbred at the zoo’s own facility for big money." The zoo kept breeding to create these creatures, to end up selling them for about $60,000 each.
Making white tigers go extinct doesn't mean shooting them all with machine guns, nor letting them to starve. Nothing lasts forever, even the life of a mutant tiger. So instead of torture before death, why not try happiness before death?
And a good summarizer for this post. Here is the last paragraph from the source:
"A white tiger that has already been born does not have a vote in the matter and cannot apologize for existing. Humanity has a collective responsibility to care for the two-headed calves and white tigers that we create for our own entertainment, but do we really need to be creating more of the genetic disasters that pull resources away from truly endangered species? There is no good reason to breed another white tiger. We can choose to keep every remaining white tiger in comfortable isolation. Tigers are solitary in the wild (unlike lions, which are social animals that normally live in prides). They do not need the company of other tigers in order to lead happy lives either in the wild or in captivity. We can choose a future in which white tigers disappear into memory and hopefully one in which truly endangered subspecies of tigers maintain enough genetic diversity to be successfully reintroduced into a wild that can sustain them. "
Saturday, December 29, 2012
That's It.. F*ck Them.
Now those "doomsday knowers" said they made a fucking mistake, and the world was actually suppose to end in 2015. That's a big difference from 2012..
According to Weekly World News( I know..poor website to get information on..), the end of world date is set to 2015..I, myself, will not go falling for it like how I used to for the 2012 doomsday.
On a friendlier note, Weekly World News is only composed of shit and gossip.
Like one of their posts says Facebook would end..but it's not.
I'm betting that if Facebook didn't end, WWN would probably post something about why it didn't close as a coverup. If you ever want actual reliable news, and not some shit to get you freaked out about, try MSN or CNN.
Back to end of world thing..
According to WWN, there will be a sequel to the movie 2012, that will be called 2015 or something of the sort. It sucks to be the characters in that movie..-.-'
Here is the link to that post: http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/23938/end-of-the-world-postponed/
If you are going to argue with me about why 2015 would be the actual year where the world end by bringing up junk from the Bible, I'll throw some Bible junk in your face too..(no offense to anyone who doesn't like me saying 'Bible junk' and mind throwing..). ONLY THE LORD KNOWS WHEN THE END OF THE WORLD IS!! (Revision of what it says somewhere in the Bible, I may or may not agree with it).
Oh..and look at this YouTube Video..
Okay..done watching it? In the description, it says in the first sentence 'SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS globally are predicting and expecting that 3 years from now, all life on Earth may well come to an end.' Now..please remember that the first two words should have quotes around them. Like this: "Scientific experts" because, in reality, they aren't actually experts, nor even close to scientific. The best way to trick the mind is by words. If you use the right words, such as something of high authority/knowledge;like when you claim that a researcher at the University of Berkley said something, you can easily get someone to fall into your bandwagon, especially if they had not been exposed to any conflicting information yet. Its plain logic that people can fall for anything easily (as you can tell from the 2012 thing), and I think its even more convincing to them if it seems to affect all life on Earth..
Like if I made up a story about how China has plans to wipe out the US so they can become the world power, and I made up more junk with it by saying stuff like "exposed plans from China's government", "US Government officials are losing hope in what to do", and "Obama plans to make peace to China by surrendering", you would probably believe it, especially if I made it in a really long post with "proof".
On YouTube you will probably find a ton of videos about "NASA" admits Nirubi is real, when it isn't, and the YouTube account isn't even NASA's YouTube account..plus if NASA really did say that Nirubi is real, wouldn't it be on CNN, MSN, or even the newspaper? And if Nirubi is really big enough to destroy life on Earth, you would be seeing it right now. Look outside. See a giant planet anyone? Not likely..
The Sumerians(who were the ancient people that discovered Planet X, otherwise known as Nirubi), could have mistaken the moon for a planet for all we know.
Now please enlighten yourself by ignoring the stupidity of the many people who isn't actually that stupid because they are good enough to create false evidence and "reliable" news, but you may/may not be the one who is falling for it..
That's all I have to say..
According to Weekly World News( I know..poor website to get information on..), the end of world date is set to 2015..I, myself, will not go falling for it like how I used to for the 2012 doomsday.
On a friendlier note, Weekly World News is only composed of shit and gossip.
Like one of their posts says Facebook would end..but it's not.
I'm betting that if Facebook didn't end, WWN would probably post something about why it didn't close as a coverup. If you ever want actual reliable news, and not some shit to get you freaked out about, try MSN or CNN.
Back to end of world thing..
According to WWN, there will be a sequel to the movie 2012, that will be called 2015 or something of the sort. It sucks to be the characters in that movie..-.-'
Here is the link to that post: http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/23938/end-of-the-world-postponed/
If you are going to argue with me about why 2015 would be the actual year where the world end by bringing up junk from the Bible, I'll throw some Bible junk in your face too..(no offense to anyone who doesn't like me saying 'Bible junk' and mind throwing..). ONLY THE LORD KNOWS WHEN THE END OF THE WORLD IS!! (Revision of what it says somewhere in the Bible, I may or may not agree with it).
Oh..and look at this YouTube Video..
Okay..done watching it? In the description, it says in the first sentence 'SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS globally are predicting and expecting that 3 years from now, all life on Earth may well come to an end.' Now..please remember that the first two words should have quotes around them. Like this: "Scientific experts" because, in reality, they aren't actually experts, nor even close to scientific. The best way to trick the mind is by words. If you use the right words, such as something of high authority/knowledge;like when you claim that a researcher at the University of Berkley said something, you can easily get someone to fall into your bandwagon, especially if they had not been exposed to any conflicting information yet. Its plain logic that people can fall for anything easily (as you can tell from the 2012 thing), and I think its even more convincing to them if it seems to affect all life on Earth..
Like if I made up a story about how China has plans to wipe out the US so they can become the world power, and I made up more junk with it by saying stuff like "exposed plans from China's government", "US Government officials are losing hope in what to do", and "Obama plans to make peace to China by surrendering", you would probably believe it, especially if I made it in a really long post with "proof".
On YouTube you will probably find a ton of videos about "NASA" admits Nirubi is real, when it isn't, and the YouTube account isn't even NASA's YouTube account..plus if NASA really did say that Nirubi is real, wouldn't it be on CNN, MSN, or even the newspaper? And if Nirubi is really big enough to destroy life on Earth, you would be seeing it right now. Look outside. See a giant planet anyone? Not likely..
The Sumerians(who were the ancient people that discovered Planet X, otherwise known as Nirubi), could have mistaken the moon for a planet for all we know.
Now please enlighten yourself by ignoring the stupidity of the many people who isn't actually that stupid because they are good enough to create false evidence and "reliable" news, but you may/may not be the one who is falling for it..
That's all I have to say..
End Of World~2015
Okay..long story short, the "experts" (I put quotes because they aren't really experts;more like nobodies that want your attention) claims that the prediction for the world ending on 2012 was inaccurate, and the date is actually now set for 2015. If it doesn't happen then, they better not make another idiotic excuse...I do not believe the world is going to end in 2015.
Here is the link to that post: http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/23938/end-of-the-world-postponed/
Here is the link to that post: http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/23938/end-of-the-world-postponed/
Read my other (and longer) post about this here..:
*Warning: Contains swear words** **The post just contains extra information, and more thought, so if you choose to not read it because of the cussing, it may be of some consolation for me to say that you are not missing anything extraordinary**
What do you think? :D
Dirty Minds~Post Dedicated To Slushipup1903
Haha..shouting you out, Slushi.. >:D :evil:
Okay..so here is a selection of comics/videos that I thought you might find amusing..(all rights in each image/video on this post go to their respective owners)

Okay..the next part is just random, mild cussing may be present..

That's all I got for now..Yes, disappointing post..
Okay..so here is a selection of comics/videos that I thought you might find amusing..(all rights in each image/video on this post go to their respective owners)
Okay..the next part is just random, mild cussing may be present..
That's all I got for now..Yes, disappointing post..
Friday, December 28, 2012
So here is this new song, about fish.. Its: One Pound Fish
I have to agree with MSN, this song could easily be a rival to the popular Gangnam Style. Really, this guy sings in English, but with a heavy accent, and doesn't dance 'cheesy'(what Psy called his dance on Ellen), but it is about one pound of fish, which makes it a strange song..
I have to agree with MSN, this song could easily be a rival to the popular Gangnam Style. Really, this guy sings in English, but with a heavy accent, and doesn't dance 'cheesy'(what Psy called his dance on Ellen), but it is about one pound of fish, which makes it a strange song..
Okay..So anyways, I just want to tell people how to bold text in comments..
You add <strong> in between the word(s) that you want bold. Some examples below..(italicized word(s) are the ones where it could be something different. Word/Characters in bold should stay the same..Now to the examples!
<strong> Readers Beware <strong>
<strong> Thanks <strong>
<strong> Woah.. What do you want now? <strong>
Here is what those comments would look like when you publish them..
Readers Beware
Woah.. What do you want now?
TADA! Now you can bold your comments and not just the owner (I have not tested it out yet..anyone willing to be a hamster and comment with <strong>?
Can you guess my first <strong> website <strong>?
Is it this one? Continue reading please :]
You add <strong> in between the word(s) that you want bold. Some examples below..(italicized word(s) are the ones where it could be something different. Word/Characters in bold should stay the same..Now to the examples!
<strong> Readers Beware <strong>
<strong> Thanks <strong>
<strong> Woah.. What do you want now? <strong>
Here is what those comments would look like when you publish them..
Readers Beware
Woah.. What do you want now?
TADA! Now you can bold your comments and not just the owner (I have not tested it out yet..anyone willing to be a hamster and comment with <strong>?
Can you guess my first <strong> website <strong>?
Is it this one? Continue reading please :]
A very kind person name Soontobe4ever just said this
Soontobe4ever: Sooo happy (late) christmas and a merry (early) new year
So kind!
Secret Builders
I just remembered an old game online called secretbuilders. You guys should try it! Sorry for the short post, i'm about to go walk my bffs dog.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Some Bad News...
Hi everybody,
I have finally quit blogging thanks to Yuri and her copying, attitude, and her comments. She really wanted me to leave and she says it's all my fault when she made her choice on making me quit and you know what she said: "I will be happy you are leaving blogging!" It's been a fun time on blogging and I will miss everybody. If you are one of my friends (everyone except Yuri), you are welcome to email me at mycreamycupcake@aol.com or talk to me on my Facebook @ Britney Morgan, I have a Fantage picture. I will miss everyone dearly but if I do work on your blog, don't delete me. You never know when I might come back. To Yuri, you will regret ever saying those mean things to me. I've already made my blog (My Random Guide) private so yeah. It might be back and running in a few days and Imaanzg and Slushipup1903 will help me post everyday. Just pretend I'm on vacation. Thanks Yuri. You made my day... I had to quit on Jema's birthday.
PS: I hope you're happy Yuri. Everybody's gonna hate you now.
I have finally quit blogging thanks to Yuri and her copying, attitude, and her comments. She really wanted me to leave and she says it's all my fault when she made her choice on making me quit and you know what she said: "I will be happy you are leaving blogging!" It's been a fun time on blogging and I will miss everybody. If you are one of my friends (everyone except Yuri), you are welcome to email me at mycreamycupcake@aol.com or talk to me on my Facebook @ Britney Morgan, I have a Fantage picture. I will miss everyone dearly but if I do work on your blog, don't delete me. You never know when I might come back. To Yuri, you will regret ever saying those mean things to me. I've already made my blog (My Random Guide) private so yeah. It might be back and running in a few days and Imaanzg and Slushipup1903 will help me post everyday. Just pretend I'm on vacation. Thanks Yuri. You made my day... I had to quit on Jema's birthday.
PS: I hope you're happy Yuri. Everybody's gonna hate you now.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
I'm bored, and I don't know what else to post...so here is a picture of me..

I DO NOT have a blurry face..its just like that in the picture with a pink/red blob..
I blurred and blobed my face so you can stalk me or something..(which I find strange since like everyone on Facebook has their profile pic as their real self and not some red Play-Doh, blurred idiot..)..
I also added in the extra stuff, you know..the monster ink thing, my website, and "Copyright 2012" although one of them says "Copright 2012"...
...Could you find it? c:
I added the extra stuff just in case you tried to use the picture to look it up on Google Images and find the other copy that isn't edited...
I hope it seriously throws you off your quest..
Edit: I just looked it up on Google Images, and I find the results are rather insulting.. :/ *Yes, that large paragraph below is the link..*
I DO NOT have a blurry face..its just like that in the picture with a pink/red blob..
I blurred and blobed my face so you can stalk me or something..(which I find strange since like everyone on Facebook has their profile pic as their real self and not some red Play-Doh, blurred idiot..)..
I also added in the extra stuff, you know..the monster ink thing, my website, and "Copyright 2012" although one of them says "Copright 2012"...
...Could you find it? c:
I added the extra stuff just in case you tried to use the picture to look it up on Google Images and find the other copy that isn't edited...
I hope it seriously throws you off your quest..
Edit: I just looked it up on Google Images, and I find the results are rather insulting.. :/ *Yes, that large paragraph below is the link..*
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
All I got was clothing..:D :C C:
What did you get?
I opened my presents at midnight..or a few minutes after..or it could had been a few minutes before..
Did you see Sann- *ahem* Santa Claus?
If you see him, it would be nice if you told him I did not mean to push him down the stairs..
All I got was clothing..:D :C C:
What did you get?
I opened my presents at midnight..or a few minutes after..or it could had been a few minutes before..
Did you see Sann- *ahem* Santa Claus?
If you see him, it would be nice if you told him I did not mean to push him down the stairs..
Sunday, December 23, 2012
I'm back
I'm back!!! Did chu miss me >.< Theres some new fantage costume. I got it with ecoins. See? Well... I didn't really take a picture of it... anyways im back!!! YAY
Saturday, December 22, 2012
My Dumb Moment
Here is a story of my dumb moment..by the way, it only lasted 1-5 seconds..
I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror..
You know how you sometimes do stuff without really thinking about it? Well, while I was staring at my complexion, my hand turned off the lights(because the light switch was close to the mirror I was looking at). Then, since it was night(a very rare occurrence) and dark, I didn't see anything but blackness. I was wondering why can't I see myself and why am I only seeing black in the mirror. It ONLY happened for a second or something because I wasn't really paying attention to anything, and that was why I was wondering the stuff that was obvious.
Here is a story of my dumb moment..by the way, it only lasted 1-5 seconds..
I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror..
You know how you sometimes do stuff without really thinking about it? Well, while I was staring at my complexion, my hand turned off the lights(because the light switch was close to the mirror I was looking at). Then, since it was night(a very rare occurrence) and dark, I didn't see anything but blackness. I was wondering why can't I see myself and why am I only seeing black in the mirror. It ONLY happened for a second or something because I wasn't really paying attention to anything, and that was why I was wondering the stuff that was obvious.
Not fair!
It is so unfair when a 6 yr old boy (my cousin),gets an iPad 2 with 64GB,when your in year 6,11 yrs old and get an iPad 3 64GB (me).Spoilt kids these days -.-.IT WASN'T EVEN THE KIDS BDAY!.I got mine on my birthday.-_-
Short post.
Short post.
Still want a UGC? Here's Another Chance!
Over! I think..
First thing I want to say is that this is a sticky post, so scroll down past this post for newer posts. Okay..so Mersay, the winner of my previous contest, is hold her very own contest for the UGC. Click the banner for more Information.
[gigya width="590" height="90" src="http://files.bannersnack.net/app/swf2/EmbedPlayerV2.swf?hash_id=bu8eri39&bgcolor=#000000&clickTag=null&t=1356214076" quality="high" wmode="tranparent" allowfullscreen="true" ]
White Tigers Should Go Extinct. Why?
Here is a picture of a white tiger(copyrights go to their respective owners):

You are probably wondering why I am saying this rare species should go extinct. After all, shouldn't we try to preserve the rare creatures of Earth? Yes we should, but this is one of the creatures that can be made an exception..
White tigers look like majestic, dream-like creatures. Even so, they were not naturally meant to be here..
You are probably wondering why I am saying this rare species should go extinct. After all, shouldn't we try to preserve the rare creatures of Earth? Yes we should, but this is one of the creatures that can be made an exception..
White tigers look like majestic, dream-like creatures. Even so, they were not naturally meant to be here..
white tiger
Friday, December 21, 2012
Challenger? Probably..
So here is this new song, about fish.. Its: One Pound Fish
I have to agree with MSN, this song could easily be a rival to the popular Gangnam Style. Really, this guy sings in English, but with a heavy accent, and doesn't dance 'cheesy'(what Psy called his dance on Ellen), but it is about one pound of fish, which makes it a strange song..
This video already have 5,606,000 views on YouTube, and still counting.
You want to see it?
I have to admit, this is a pretty creative song. Since this was the only song playing on my computer right now, and I have some addicting to music, I listened to this song 2 times already, and its not "fucking awesome" quality, nor "I would rather die" quality, but, overall, its still a good song, in a weird, corny, kind of way.
What do you think of the song?
I have to agree with MSN, this song could easily be a rival to the popular Gangnam Style. Really, this guy sings in English, but with a heavy accent, and doesn't dance 'cheesy'(what Psy called his dance on Ellen), but it is about one pound of fish, which makes it a strange song..
This video already have 5,606,000 views on YouTube, and still counting.
You want to see it?
I have to admit, this is a pretty creative song. Since this was the only song playing on my computer right now, and I have some addicting to music, I listened to this song 2 times already, and its not "fucking awesome" quality, nor "I would rather die" quality, but, overall, its still a good song, in a weird, corny, kind of way.
What do you think of the song?
A Pound of Fish? I see..
Here's a video..
As you can probably tell, he speaks English..
Read More On Random Blogger, Blogger Version©
Here is the link(you can also click on the hyperlink above): http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/challenger-probably.html
Mwahaha..I'm the first blogger here to post about this..:33
Btw..there is a profanity word on that post..plus, there isn't any real interesting stuff on that post, but don't say I didn't warn you..
As you can probably tell, he speaks English..
Read More On Random Blogger, Blogger Version©
Here is the link(you can also click on the hyperlink above): http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/challenger-probably.html
Mwahaha..I'm the first blogger here to post about this..:33
Btw..there is a profanity word on that post..plus, there isn't any real interesting stuff on that post, but don't say I didn't warn you..
What I'm Wondering..
Here is an image of an email I got from Fantagian Guide, its a post that Bethany made..
Want to know what I think?
How is it possible for her to get WiFi underground, especially if Australia is underwater. And the movie 2012 wouldn't exactly be helpful, since everyone died, excluding those who got the the ship, then they went to Africa or something, cause it was the only large landmass that wasn't underwater. That just sucks that it was a third world place..
I don't think a man-made hole is going to easily keep out water from flooding inside it. I know this next part is stupid to say (as Britney would put it c;) but how would Beth know if the whole country was underwater if she was busy being underground? Unless she either packed very little food, or ate too much in the few hours, it wasn't very likely that the food supply be running low..
She is the only blogger that claims that Australia is underwater, as all the other Aust. bloggers begs to differ. And in the comments, Tara, who lives in Australia, says that everything is okay with her, and Bethany said Tara was probably sleeping, which didn't make much sense with me. Why? Do you think its likely for Tara to be underwater, sleeping, turning on her computer, reading the post, commenting, while the entire time there is Internet? The computer wouldn't have worked, Tara would've drowned, and if Tara was sleeping, it sure seems that she could read with her eyes closed. You want to see the comment? Here:
Really, I think this entire thing from Bethany is absolutely fake, but maybe she really is underground right now thinking that Australia is actually underwater when its not, and its just a sprinkler on above her..To me, it doesn't seem like Bethany would post such a thing though..
Random Thing: You know how in the Bible it says that only the Father(a.k.a God) knows of the end of the world? I guess adding that part to the Bible was a logical thing to do..
What do you think?
Want to know what I think?
How is it possible for her to get WiFi underground, especially if Australia is underwater. And the movie 2012 wouldn't exactly be helpful, since everyone died, excluding those who got the the ship, then they went to Africa or something, cause it was the only large landmass that wasn't underwater. That just sucks that it was a third world place..
I don't think a man-made hole is going to easily keep out water from flooding inside it. I know this next part is stupid to say (as Britney would put it c;) but how would Beth know if the whole country was underwater if she was busy being underground? Unless she either packed very little food, or ate too much in the few hours, it wasn't very likely that the food supply be running low..
She is the only blogger that claims that Australia is underwater, as all the other Aust. bloggers begs to differ. And in the comments, Tara, who lives in Australia, says that everything is okay with her, and Bethany said Tara was probably sleeping, which didn't make much sense with me. Why? Do you think its likely for Tara to be underwater, sleeping, turning on her computer, reading the post, commenting, while the entire time there is Internet? The computer wouldn't have worked, Tara would've drowned, and if Tara was sleeping, it sure seems that she could read with her eyes closed. You want to see the comment? Here:
Really, I think this entire thing from Bethany is absolutely fake, but maybe she really is underground right now thinking that Australia is actually underwater when its not, and its just a sprinkler on above her..To me, it doesn't seem like Bethany would post such a thing though..
Random Thing: You know how in the Bible it says that only the Father(a.k.a God) knows of the end of the world? I guess adding that part to the Bible was a logical thing to do..
What do you think?
Vote for Me Please?
Okay..please vote for me? :3
Here: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/fashion-show/vote/
Go to the poll and choose "jesse2253"!
Here: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/fashion-show/vote/
Go to the poll and choose "jesse2253"!
Fantage Updates
Some Blogger News.
Okay. Just for everyone's information, I am also going to be posting on my other blog: http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/
It will be where i post more teenager-like, plus stuff that I want to say that I kinda hope some people would not see..xD, so there may be mild cussing there..
Okay. So if you were expecting a disclaimer, although I highly doubt you were, but to prevent any blame, here goes the very simple disclaimer:
I am not responsible for any personal nor bodily injuries, deaths, or any sort of harm from reading the posts on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/. You will not blame me for any disorderly conduct on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/ . As it is where I am kind of myself, and myself can be mean sometimes, so sorry if I hurt your feelings. Thank you! C:
In fact, there is a new post there now! O: (There would sometimes be special posts on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/ that will not be on this blog, so there's one difference. On http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/, there may also be reflections of the posts on here..)
Click here to go there now.. http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/
It will be where i post more teenager-like, plus stuff that I want to say that I kinda hope some people would not see..xD, so there may be mild cussing there..
Okay. So if you were expecting a disclaimer, although I highly doubt you were, but to prevent any blame, here goes the very simple disclaimer:
I am not responsible for any personal nor bodily injuries, deaths, or any sort of harm from reading the posts on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/. You will not blame me for any disorderly conduct on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/ . As it is where I am kind of myself, and myself can be mean sometimes, so sorry if I hurt your feelings. Thank you! C:
In fact, there is a new post there now! O: (There would sometimes be special posts on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/ that will not be on this blog, so there's one difference. On http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/, there may also be reflections of the posts on here..)
Click here to go there now.. http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Another 21th Post!
So here is another post of this date. First, I'm gonna show a post that Bethanyrox made, saying that Australia is underwater, and that she is underground (if you would like me to point out all the flaws in this post, just comment c;) The picture of the post is from my email..If you are a Fantagian Guide fan, you probably have seen it before.

Now this next picture I got off of Facebook, think long and hard about what it says..

If you know a ton of things about Central America's history with the Spanish, you know the Mayans more than likely trusted the Spanish(correct me if I'm wrong).
And try reading this post;its long, but it addresses all 'threats': http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2012/12/18/maya_apocalypse_2012_doomsday_end_of_the_world_prophecies_are_nonsense.html
What do you think?
So here is another post of this date. First, I'm gonna show a post that Bethanyrox made, saying that Australia is underwater, and that she is underground (if you would like me to point out all the flaws in this post, just comment c;) The picture of the post is from my email..If you are a Fantagian Guide fan, you probably have seen it before.
Now this next picture I got off of Facebook, think long and hard about what it says..
If you know a ton of things about Central America's history with the Spanish, you know the Mayans more than likely trusted the Spanish(correct me if I'm wrong).
And try reading this post;its long, but it addresses all 'threats': http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2012/12/18/maya_apocalypse_2012_doomsday_end_of_the_world_prophecies_are_nonsense.html
What do you think?
Okay..Its the 21th. Happy People?
Here's some websites that might cool down your "world ending" steam..
NASA : http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html#end
Boston Globe: http://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2012/12/08/will-world-end-december/8uYtHUrlf0DjrV2x3MkGeP/igraphic.html
Brace for the cuss word abbreviation..
And here is a website full of BS about how the world will end..
It has a nice title though.."Forgotten Futures". C:
..See you on the 22th! Okay..maybe not exactly a 'see'..
NASA : http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html#end
Boston Globe: http://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2012/12/08/will-world-end-december/8uYtHUrlf0DjrV2x3MkGeP/igraphic.html
Brace for the cuss word abbreviation..
And here is a website full of BS about how the world will end..
It has a nice title though.."Forgotten Futures". C:
..See you on the 22th! Okay..maybe not exactly a 'see'..
ᙡᖺᗩ♈ ᓰ ᙡᗩﬡ☂ ℱᗢᖇ ᑕᖺᖇᓮᔕ☂ᙢᗩᔕ
Okay..here is some of the things I want..

I'm so greedy..:3
Okay..Could you correctly guess the value of all the items? (Before tax, and no shipping & handling cost) If the product says something like "12.99-13.89" for the price, just use the highest price, so for the example, the product would cost $13.89. By the way, if the item does not show a price, pretend it is $799.99. First one to comment the right answer will have their blog advertised on my sidebar. This offer ends on Dec. 22, 2012. This offer is seprate from the one on www.jessefantage.wordpress.com.
Good Luck!
I'm so greedy..:3
Okay..Could you correctly guess the value of all the items? (Before tax, and no shipping & handling cost) If the product says something like "12.99-13.89" for the price, just use the highest price, so for the example, the product would cost $13.89. By the way, if the item does not show a price, pretend it is $799.99. First one to comment the right answer will have their blog advertised on my sidebar. This offer ends on Dec. 22, 2012. This offer is seprate from the one on www.jessefantage.wordpress.com.
Good Luck!
Fashion Show Contest! Just Read On..
Hey guys!
So anyways, here is me making a post to support Mersay's current contest..
This is a short post though, since I have a post I want to make..xD
Okay..details will be on this page: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/fashion-show/
So anyways, here is me making a post to support Mersay's current contest..
This is a short post though, since I have a post I want to make..xD
Okay..details will be on this page: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/fashion-show/
21st December...
Yay nasa!.Okay I don't know what date or time it is in other countries but in Australia right now it's 21st December 7:36am.Just as a matter of fact I can see or hear NO explosions,earthquakes or any tsunamis that were predicted to happen,it turns out that 21st December's end was just a rumour.
So enjoy your lives wherever you are cuz u aint gunna die soon.
So enjoy your lives wherever you are cuz u aint gunna die soon.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
ᙡᖺᗩ♈ ᓰ ᙡᗩﬡ☂ ℱᗢᖇ ᑕᖺᖇᓮᔕ☂ᙢᗩᔕ
Hello! .....There's a mini-contest here ;)
Okay..here is some of the things I want..

I'm so greedy..:3
Okay..Could you correctly guess the value of all the items? (Before tax, and no shipping & handling cost) If the product says something like "12.99-13.89" for the price, just use the highest price, so for the example, the product would cost $13.89. By the way, if the item does not show a price, pretend it is $799.99. First one to comment the right answer will have their blog advertised on my sidebar(right above the RSS feed). Someone already commented the right answer? Go to http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html and enter your answer there! This mini-contest here is separate from the one on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html. Hmm..I forgot to include the Galaxy Player 4.2...
Oh well..Just don't count the Galaxy player then..
Good Luck!
Okay..here is some of the things I want..
I'm so greedy..:3
Okay..Could you correctly guess the value of all the items? (Before tax, and no shipping & handling cost) If the product says something like "12.99-13.89" for the price, just use the highest price, so for the example, the product would cost $13.89. By the way, if the item does not show a price, pretend it is $799.99. First one to comment the right answer will have their blog advertised on my sidebar(right above the RSS feed). Someone already commented the right answer? Go to http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html and enter your answer there! This mini-contest here is separate from the one on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html. Hmm..I forgot to include the Galaxy Player 4.2...
Oh well..Just don't count the Galaxy player then..
Good Luck!
Fashion Show Contest? Oh..I've seen one ƨσмɛωнɛяɛ..
So there is a contest held on Mersay's blog! She sent me an email about it (since she got my email and is spamming me with junk..jk c;)..
Anyways..details on: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/fashion-show/
So there is a contest held on Mersay's blog! She sent me an email about it (since she got my email and is spamming me with junk..jk c;)..
Anyways..details on: http://fantage007.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/fashion-show/
Drumroll Please!
Now is the moment many of you are waiting for..
Please stop getting bitten nail fingers on my blog..thank you.C;
Winner is..
Huge surprise, right?
Okay..the real winner..:
Congrats Mersay! I am sending you an email that you will need to reply to in order to get the $5 UGC. If you do not reply within a week, you will be unable to claim your prize, and it will be given to another individual. Sorry if that happens.
Good Luck next time to all!
Please stop getting bitten nail fingers on my blog..thank you.C;
Winner is..
Huge surprise, right?
Okay..the real winner..:
Congrats Mersay! I am sending you an email that you will need to reply to in order to get the $5 UGC. If you do not reply within a week, you will be unable to claim your prize, and it will be given to another individual. Sorry if that happens.
Good Luck next time to all!
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