Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012..Its Almost the End.

Happy New Years Eve!

2012 has been a great blogging year, and surely, it won't be the last!

What are some things that happened this year?

  1. School in Texas tracking the students. Remember that? (:

  2. I changed my profile picture!

  3. Gangnam Style becomes a HUGE hit; viewed by over 3 Million people, and still counting

  4. YouTube updates their website

  5. Jeff Fantage Blog becomes Random Blogger

  6. Tara updates her blog to Star of Randomness

  7. iPhone and iPad mini came out

  8. 2(or maybe just 1) contests held on my blog

  9. Someone got a UGC from me!

  10. Sparkle-Mistie quits blogging for a bit..her life just got a whole lot busier.

  11. I'm halfway through the school year.. :'[

  12. My blog's hits are still a-climbing

  13. Liyala buys her own blog domain..c: and now is the only one playing music on her blog compared to the rest of us..xD

  14. Fantage updates itself to what it is now.

  15. My blog got hacked.

  16. Eli's blog got hacked.

  17. I made posts.

  18. Fruit decreased in posts(I've noticed since November..) hope she's okay in real life and nothing bad happened to her.

  19. I made a page about Swagbucks.

  20. Ryanrox79 creates his blog(if there is another owner, you could make yourself known so Ryan doesn't get all the credit..xD)

  21. Lenovo introduces YOGA which is a full on tablet and laptop in one. Its has even been recognized by C-NET as being one of the 100 influential products/something.

  22. Obama beats Romney with a staggering large number of electoral votes.

How was this year for you?(:


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