Okay..here is some of the things I want..
I'm so greedy..:3
Okay..Could you correctly guess the value of all the items? (Before tax, and no shipping & handling cost) If the product says something like "12.99-13.89" for the price, just use the highest price, so for the example, the product would cost $13.89. By the way, if the item does not show a price, pretend it is $799.99. First one to comment the right answer will have their blog advertised on my sidebar(right above the RSS feed). Someone already commented the right answer? Go to http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html and enter your answer there! This mini-contest here is separate from the one on http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/12/okay.html. Hmm..I forgot to include the Galaxy Player 4.2...
Oh well..Just don't count the Galaxy player then..
Good Luck!
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