Saturday, December 15, 2012

Salicylic Acid & Benzoyl Peroxide..

For those who prefer to be warned, here is my warning: THIS IS AN INFORMATIVE POST.

Both of these organic compounds are commonly used to treat acne. In this post, I will describe each, and then list my sources at the end (hope I remember to).

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxyl acid (a.k.a BHA) which comes from the bark of the willow tree. It is a natural occurring plant hormone. This substance has been used for medical purposes since some time in history. Salicylic acid is best known for calming pain and helping reduce fever(that doesn't mean you should go running out to your bathroom and eat your salicylic acid acne cream). Salicylic acid also contains the ability to aid the skin in its quest of shedding dead skin cells. Quote from a source: "It neutralizes the skin’s bacteria and helps to constrict the pores." Unlike Benzoyl peroxide, this substance does not have the oxygen to help kill acne bacteria. This would be a good choice for those who have sensitive skin and many blackheads.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide contains oxygen. When it comes into contact with the skin, the substance breaks down, creating  (as quoted) "an oxygenated environment" According to one of the source, the bacteria under the skin cannot live in this type of environment, thus murdering the acne bacteria on the spot (since bacteria doesn't have legs to run away..). Benzoyl peroxide is also a peeling agent, which means it dries the skin, causing the skin to peel, and helping the skin to create new cells. One of the cons with this product is that it is a natural bleaching substance, so your hair and/or clothing may be bleached by this product.  As quoted from the main source: " it is worth mentioning that if used regularly, the bleaching aspect will help reduce sun spots, dark surface spots as well as even out the general skin tone."

Personally, the peroxide works better for me than the acid, but I have yet to try a salicylic acid face wash in conjunction with a leave-on benzoyl peroxide cream. (It is said from multiple sources [only one of these sources in mentioned below] that using the acid face wash and then the peroxide cream would be veryeffective in reducing acne.)





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