Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Likes & Tweets Means Gold O.e

"For every share of this Forbes article on Facebook or Twitter through the sharing features on that page, we’ll give everyone who logs on to the game during the weekend of July 21st or July 22nd gold (up to a maximum of 2,500 gold per account!)

It gets Better! If more than 10,000 people share their stories in the comments about what Wizard101 means to their families – we will also give everyone who logs on to the game during the weekend of 7/21 or 7/22 a Storm Beetle pet. If we get more than 20,000 comments, we’ll upgrade that reward to a Brave Hound pet! "


Get commenting, liking, and tweeting! Gotta get those prizes! Last I checked, the Forbes article already had over 2,500 likes and tweets, so everyone who logs in during the weekend gets 2,500 gold!

Now, for the comments to start rolling into that article...


*Pics from https://www.wizard101.com/game/forbes*

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