Hi People!
I, Tara will be hosting an awesome party!
Here are the info:
When(Time & Date):11th of August, 2012-2:00pm-3:00pm, Australia, Canberra Time Zone.
Where: We will be meeting at my xat: http://xat.com/MyArtCity Later, we will be going to Grotto in Fantage.
Server: Indigo Fox
Events Happening At The Party:
1) Hide-N-Seek On Fantage
2) Adding and Chatting with Awesome Bloggers And Fantagian(Adding me)
3)Taking Images Together.
4) Fashion Show Fun
5) If you participate in the party then you will get an Advertisement for your blog! :)
There will be lots more! Hope you come to my party!
[polldaddy poll=6422756]
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
2 Day Pack Sale
For 2 days only, the following packs will be 50% off:
Get those packs today! :)
- Raven's Hoard
- Kirin's Hoard
- Ninja's Lore
- Dragon's Hoard
- Emperor's Attic
Get those packs today! :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Get your FREE brave hound pet today!
We have made over 20,00 FB shares on a Forbes aticle!
Click here to redeem your pet! xD
Copy and paste in in the URL if the above link does not work: http://wizard101.com/promo/brave
View the Brave Hound Wiki Page
We have made over 20,00 FB shares on a Forbes aticle!
Click here to redeem your pet! xD
Copy and paste in in the URL if the above link does not work: http://wizard101.com/promo/brave
View the Brave Hound Wiki Page
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Knight's Lore Pack
O.x I was questing in Krokotopia when they made an announcement in the game.
New Spells from the
The Knight's Lore pack is here, and with it your Wizard has a chance to gain entirely new spells!
The spells from the Knight's Lore Pack are reward spells, and do not cost your Wizard a training point. They will go into your spellbook just like any spell you have learned from a trainer, and they will not disappear when you sell your spells back for Training Points with Mr. Lincoln. They will obey the rules of a normal spell, meaning you can blade, trap, enchant etc. If you receive a spell from the Knight's Lore Pack, it will not appear as a reward again on that character. You cannot delete or sell these special spells."

Good Luck in getting the spells!
New Spells from the
Knight's Lore Pack!
The Knight's Lore pack is here, and with it your Wizard has a chance to gain entirely new spells!
- Theres also a to get other cool new items including:
- Night King's Armor
- Darkfire Longbow Weapon
- Minstrel Pet
- Treasure Cards
- Bobblehead Housing Decorations
- and Much More!
The spells from the Knight's Lore Pack are reward spells, and do not cost your Wizard a training point. They will go into your spellbook just like any spell you have learned from a trainer, and they will not disappear when you sell your spells back for Training Points with Mr. Lincoln. They will obey the rules of a normal spell, meaning you can blade, trap, enchant etc. If you receive a spell from the Knight's Lore Pack, it will not appear as a reward again on that character. You cannot delete or sell these special spells."

Good Luck in getting the spells!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Colorful Keys
Hi everybody!
Since I haven't posted in a while I'm going to post now. Read the title and continue to read here. Yes this post will be about "Colorful Keys" which is a game I found on a site. It can keep you occupied for as long as you want which is why I'm going to share it with you! Anyways if you want to play it click below to play the game.
Click here to play "Colorful Keys" the game.
How do you play you say? Well the directions can confuse one and another so um I'll tell you how to play and get a good score. The game is easy so you may figure it out yourself.
Since I haven't posted in a while I'm going to post now. Read the title and continue to read here. Yes this post will be about "Colorful Keys" which is a game I found on a site. It can keep you occupied for as long as you want which is why I'm going to share it with you! Anyways if you want to play it click below to play the game.
Click here to play "Colorful Keys" the game.
How do you play you say? Well the directions can confuse one and another so um I'll tell you how to play and get a good score. The game is easy so you may figure it out yourself.
- Highlight the name "Muffin" and type in your
Friday, July 13, 2012
I made a Toolbar O.o
Download here: http://randomblogger.ourtoolbar.com/?Marketingchannelname=controlpanel_editTB&utm=controlpanel
Comment and tell me what you think of it! :mrgreen:
Comment and tell me what you think of it! :mrgreen:
Thursday, July 12, 2012
W101 Christmas in July!
Christmas in
Now through Sunday, July 15th
You can visit Felix Navidad in the Shopping District, enjoy holiday decorations throughout the Wizard City Commons, and purchase your favorite holiday items from the Crown Shop.
Fun Holiday Items Return!
During Christmas in July, get a free item for your Wizard! You have a chance at one out of 10 cool holiday themed items, including rare reagents or the cool Milk & Cookies housing decoration. Get Your Free Item »
Do you have a touch for decorating? During Christmas in July, our friend Paige Moonshade has added a special category to her 3rd Annual Best Little Dorm in Wizard City contest. Decorate your dorm for Christmas in July and you could win a Super Bundle and Crowns! Visit Paige Moonshade's Contest »"
The holiday is coming early... o.e
Christmas in
July Sale
Now through Sunday, July 15th
let's pretend it's the Holidays with
decorations, pets and more!
Take a break from the heat during Christmas in July!
You can visit Felix Navidad in the Shopping District, enjoy holiday decorations throughout the Wizard City Commons, and purchase your favorite holiday items from the Crown Shop.
Fun Holiday Items Return!
- The Gift-Giving Boon Tree
- Happy Holidaisy Plant
- Snowball Pet
- Arctic Ninja Pig Pet
- Mixed and Red Candy Cane Mounts
- Select Holiday Housing Decorations
Get a Free Holiday Themed Item!
During Christmas in July, get a free item for your Wizard! You have a chance at one out of 10 cool holiday themed items, including rare reagents or the cool Milk & Cookies housing decoration. Get Your Free Item »

Best Little Holiday Dorm in Wizard City
Do you have a touch for decorating? During Christmas in July, our friend Paige Moonshade has added a special category to her 3rd Annual Best Little Dorm in Wizard City contest. Decorate your dorm for Christmas in July and you could win a Super Bundle and Crowns! Visit Paige Moonshade's Contest »"
The holiday is coming early... o.e
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Likes & Tweets Means Gold O.e
"For every share of this Forbes article on Facebook or Twitter through the sharing features on that page, we’ll give everyone who logs on to the game during the weekend of July 21st or July 22nd gold (up to a maximum of 2,500 gold per account!)
It gets Better! If more than 10,000 people share their stories in the comments about what Wizard101 means to their families – we will also give everyone who logs on to the game during the weekend of 7/21 or 7/22 a Storm Beetle pet. If we get more than 20,000 comments, we’ll upgrade that reward to a Brave Hound pet! "
Get commenting, liking, and tweeting! Gotta get those prizes! Last I checked, the Forbes article already had over 2,500 likes and tweets, so everyone who logs in during the weekend gets 2,500 gold!
Now, for the comments to start rolling into that article...

*Pics from https://www.wizard101.com/game/forbes*
It gets Better! If more than 10,000 people share their stories in the comments about what Wizard101 means to their families – we will also give everyone who logs on to the game during the weekend of 7/21 or 7/22 a Storm Beetle pet. If we get more than 20,000 comments, we’ll upgrade that reward to a Brave Hound pet! "
Get commenting, liking, and tweeting! Gotta get those prizes! Last I checked, the Forbes article already had over 2,500 likes and tweets, so everyone who logs in during the weekend gets 2,500 gold!
Now, for the comments to start rolling into that article...

*Pics from https://www.wizard101.com/game/forbes*
Ok, so I was checking my email very innocently, then I saw a email from Tara's blog(I had subscribed to her; she didn't hijack my email and made me follow her or anything..unless the anything is me following her not against my will..). It was from one of her posts, and it said that Cstar had a Nyanit button, so I decided to check out the post, and turns out there was a nyanit..O.x I clicked it, and found out how it was done..
1) Go to NyanIt.com
2) Put ANY website's URL into the text box thingy..
3)Go to the URL that it shows you..
4) Ta-da! Your site got Nyaned..
Or you could just type in your web address url thing... nyanit.com/[insert whatever site]
Put your site's address in the [insert whatever site]
1) Go to NyanIt.com
2) Put ANY website's URL into the text box thingy..
3)Go to the URL that it shows you..
4) Ta-da! Your site got Nyaned..
Or you could just type in your web address url thing... nyanit.com/[insert whatever site]
Put your site's address in the [insert whatever site]
Monday, July 9, 2012
New Fantage Pet!
Hey viewers ,
A new pet is coming on fantage this wednesday!
But i bet its gonna be for premium members...
So members , keep your stars ready!
The pet is really cute :3
~ Fruit99Punch
A new pet is coming on fantage this wednesday!
But i bet its gonna be for premium members...
So members , keep your stars ready!
~ Fruit99Punch
Mega Monday Sale!
Today only, Mega Snack Packs are 40% off in the crowns shop!
Time to stock up on mega snacks!
Time to stock up on mega snacks!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
My New And Awesome Contest!
I just thought of the idea the other day, I combined all the other blogger's contest together, Ima add more stuffz in the contest... Later, when I think of some more ideas. Its awesome. Click here to join now. Yes, Click it or die. You can't turn back, you've already read dis post. So join maii contest or die. Join and win first prize...or second -.- Ima Goo ->
Baiiz Peepz,
PS: Owners, feel free to take dis post down, but I'd preferred it up here ;)
Baiiz Peepz,
PS: Owners, feel free to take dis post down, but I'd preferred it up here ;)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I'm hosting a contest now! Enter in the contest below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to revisit WP Random Blogger!
All other details will be announced on http://jessefantage.wordpress.com/ http://jessefantage.wordpress.com
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to revisit WP Random Blogger!
All other details will be announced on http://jessefantage.wordpress.com/ http://jessefantage.wordpress.com
*Winner were announced on the Rafflecopter widget*
Hey guys! So here is my FIRST contest! :P
Since Rafflecopter doesn't appear on WP, you will find the submissions on my Blogger blog. :3
Just click the link below!!!
If you are unable to click the link above, copy and paste this into your browser: http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/07/contest.html
Good Luck!
Some Contest details are going to be updated on that post.
Hey guys! So here is my FIRST contest! :P
Since Rafflecopter doesn't appear on WP, you will find the submissions on my Blogger blog. :3
Just click the link below!!!
If you are unable to click the link above, copy and paste this into your browser: http://jessefantage.blogspot.com/2012/07/contest.html
Good Luck!
Some Contest details are going to be updated on that post.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Date : July 8th 2012
Day : Sunday
Time : 10:30 am (Washington DC)
7:00am or 7:30 am (California time)
Reason : BFFFFF
Server : Pink cow
Venue : Carnival
Date : July 14th 2012
Day : Saturday
Time : 5:00 pm (Canberra)
Server : Pink cow
Venue : Carnival
Reason : MY BRO'S BDAY!!!
I had a party recently but i dint do what i promised :(
Events :
1. Fashion shows
2. Miss.Fantage contest
3. Adding me
4. A special winner for the day
5. Games (3 or 4 specially made-for-you games)
[polldaddy poll=6328625]
If you are coming , please fill the form so i can get you some PRIZESS!! (Prizes for 3 lucky people , and im not gonna show partiality)
The lucky winner will get some ECOINS!!!!
Conditions 1)You will NOT do drama if you dont win.
2)You have to give me your password for E-coins
3)You have to be present at the party.
[contact-form subject='PARTAYYYY'][contact-field label='Name' type='name'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email'/][contact-field label='Website' type='url'/][contact-field label='Fantage User' type='text'/][contact-field label='Which partayy are you coming to?' type='radio' options='American,Australian'/][contact-field label='What do you want if your a lucky winner?' type='select' options='Ecoins,Other amazing prizes'/][contact-field label='Do you agree to the conditions?' type='checkbox'/][contact-field label='Any message for Fruit99Punch?' type='textarea'/][/contact-form]
~ Fruit99Punch
Date : July 8th 2012
Day : Sunday
Time : 10:30 am (Washington DC)
7:00am or 7:30 am (California time)
Reason : BFFFFF
Server : Pink cow
Venue : Carnival
Date : July 14th 2012
Day : Saturday
Time : 5:00 pm (Canberra)
Server : Pink cow
Venue : Carnival
Reason : MY BRO'S BDAY!!!
I had a party recently but i dint do what i promised :(
Events :
1. Fashion shows
2. Miss.Fantage contest
3. Adding me
4. A special winner for the day
5. Games (3 or 4 specially made-for-you games)
[polldaddy poll=6328625]
If you are coming , please fill the form so i can get you some PRIZESS!! (Prizes for 3 lucky people , and im not gonna show partiality)
The lucky winner will get some ECOINS!!!!
Conditions 1)You will NOT do drama if you dont win.
2)You have to give me your password for E-coins
3)You have to be present at the party.
[contact-form subject='PARTAYYYY'][contact-field label='Name' type='name'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email'/][contact-field label='Website' type='url'/][contact-field label='Fantage User' type='text'/][contact-field label='Which partayy are you coming to?' type='radio' options='American,Australian'/][contact-field label='What do you want if your a lucky winner?' type='select' options='Ecoins,Other amazing prizes'/][contact-field label='Do you agree to the conditions?' type='checkbox'/][contact-field label='Any message for Fruit99Punch?' type='textarea'/][/contact-form]
~ Fruit99Punch
Contest on My Blog
If you are interested in a drawing contest, please go to (http://myrandomguide.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/contest-2/) and read the info! I am hoping to get more contestants to join and try it. Very excited! I just realized I’m very into art right now.
(I hope you don't mind, Jesse. ;) But if you do just delete this. Imma post something actually worth reading later...)
(I hope you don't mind, Jesse. ;) But if you do just delete this. Imma post something actually worth reading later...)
Monday, July 2, 2012
New Contest
There's a new contest ON MY BLOG.
Its a story writing contest!
For more information , click HERE
Do join as some amazing prizes await you!!
CONTEST FROM 07/03/2012 ~ 08/15/2012
~ Fruit99Punch
There's a new contest ON MY BLOG.
Its a story writing contest!
For more information , click HERE
Do join as some amazing prizes await you!!
CONTEST FROM 07/03/2012 ~ 08/15/2012
~ Fruit99Punch
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