Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Fantage Carolina

Hi. If you are Jeff or any of the other bloggers that blog on this website, I have something to say.
I had never been on blogger because I had a blog that was a fail. I recently fixed it up, and thats why my username has changed to Legacy Simmer Forever. I didn't blog here because I was afraid I'd make it a fail. I now feel really bad now, especially because I've been missing out. All you fellow bloggers hold a dear place in my heart because when we were still on word press we went through many things together. I am a bad person for letting you down 1 or 2 YEARS ago, and this will be my first, last, and only post. You all hold a dear place in my heart, but please, if you haven't forgot about me yet, please forget about me now.
~The Fantage Carolina ORIGINAL 2014

1 comment:

  1. I made an iframe. For some information on how to do that, see here:
