Recolor Contest!
Okay everybody its the time you have all been waiting for!! Recolor a picture all by yourself. It could be any picture you want as long as it is kid-friendly. You all know what I mean by that right? There would on be ONE winner. The winner would get a banner of their website on the side and I would follow their blog or twitter. Send your picture to my email:
Here are the rules:
- No nudity
- No swear words
- No copying
- Must use your own picture
- Picture can’t be from a search engine(goggle, bing, yahoo,etc.)
- Must be kid friendly
- Include your name in the picture/email
- Have your email when you send me it, so I can tell you if you won.
- Do not spam my mail or I will mentally kill you over & over again.
(We all have mentally killed someone).
It seems like a lot of rules, but it’s just the simple rules and some might be repetitive, so yea…. Follow them still!
Remember, you could still suggest a prize BEFORE I pick a winner. I’m not sure when I would end the contest, but I will be sure to post when I would and put it in this post.
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