I just left the name, since this was on a public picture, so the comment would be public..
Now ready for me to criticize this comment?!? :D *If you don't want to read my criticism, feel free to stop reading this post anytime..*
-To start off, it weird to talk about yourself in the third person (see last paragraph)..
-It really surprises me that a 7 years old dead figure, with no eyes, can type accurately..
-I was gonna say what kind of name is Patty Buckles, but apparently there are many people name it.
-Teddy says he will kill you while being stalker-y and hiding under your bed, so it doesn't make sense that Derek gained prosperity since it was not mentioned, and Valerie getting scarred from looking in the mirror (sad, really), again wrong since it was not mentioned, and mirrors are not related to beds..
-Apparently, this comment was originally an email(how does a dead 7 year old get an email address?).
-At least this guy spells correctly.
-Valerie? Scarred for life? You know, there is something amazing in life called counseling(a.k.a therapy). Those people could mess with your mind and make you better..plus, she could ask the doctors to wipe her memory(poor choice though..). Then BAM! Not scarred for life anymore..
-Patty was sleeping when her TV flickered on and off. To me, that would just waste some electricity (thank you Teddy for wasting precious resources -.-'), and it wouldn't matter if the TV was flickering or not, cause Patty was asleep. And it should be obvious that Patty isn't with us anymore..she could have gone on vacation to Hawaii..
There is actually a version of this that didn't have the stuff below the "Don't believe me?" part.
Now unlike those "stories" of people, there is a very easy loophole to this if you are afraid of being killed by a nonexistent figure. (Plus, it said "at least 12" and so how would only 4 pics qualify?)
You have some pictures right? Well, there are 2 ways to break this chain..
Option 1:
Upload [insert required amount by chain comment; in this case, "12"] random pics(could be blank) BUT make all [insert required amount by chain comment; in this case, "12"] pics private. Comment the comment on each of those pictures. You have just done the requirement. You could keep those pics just in case you encounter another chain comment, or delete those pics.
Option 2:
Comment the comment on the required amount of pictures(in this case, 12). After each comment, delete it. You have completed the requirement.
^^As you can see, there was no requirement for having to keep the comment up, nor posting to private pics^^
Loopholes are sometimes the best things ever c;
[One time someone commented under this comment that he had his bed on the floor..Good luck being squished Teddy]
Done with my ranting.