Latest Update: Find the Pictures!
I have hidden pictures all around this blog... You have to find them to earn more points, whether it be on this post or in one of my pages. ANYONE new can enter in this contest right now, but the only way for you to earn points is by finding the pictures. Here's the current contestants and their corresponding points:
Imaanzg- 12,320 points
Pinkstarbritney- 5,000 points
Slushipup- 4,000 points
Peacegirl- 1,000 points
Ryanrox- 1,000 points
Any new joiners will have their name color in grey If your name is up there, but NOT in grey, you can request to change your name color, but it will not match the name color of another participant.
After searching around the blog and finding a few pictures, submit the location and amount of points the picture gave in the form below:
[contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Website' type='url'/][contact-field label='Location and Point Value Found' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]
When you submit the item, I will update the point value that you have after carefully reviewing, inspecting, and testing it with our advanced capita value numerating spam system, or ACVNSS or short.
Here is an example..the picture INSIDE the lines IS THE ONLY EXAMPLE ON THIS BLOG..
And no, you can't use the example to get the points..
For more information about contest prizes and other extra details, press "Read More".
Here's the extra details..
- This is a point contest. To be ahead in this contest, you should do this part of the contest(commenting a very vain comment)
Your comment can a one sentence, a poem all about yourself, a song all about yourself, or a story all about you..It doesn't matter how long..just at least have to be one sentence..*Sometimes the shortest things surpass the larger things..* ;)After this part of the contest ends, I will put a poll for people to vote about which comment they think is the most conceited. Each vote is worth 1,000 points. During this time, the contest will be closed to new contestants.- After that, I will place images around my blog and a designated point value. If you find it and submit its location and value via the form that will be up, you will get the points added to your total amount. During this time, the contest will be open to new contestants. Note that new contestants might not win as easily..
- THEN..the contest ends! There will be only one winner..The winner is the one with the most final points. The winner gets to choose 3 prizes. Keep reading for the list of prizes..
List Of Prizes (Winner gets to choose 3)
- I will view all the pages on your blog at least two times.
- Either Me or my sister will follow you on Twitter.
- Your Facebook page will be liked by my non-personal Facebook.
- I will follow/subscribe to your blog/website for at least 3 months.
- I will advertise you in my sidebar.
- My sister will advertise you in her sidebar.
- I will ask my 120+ followers on Twitter to follow you.
- I will create a page completely made just for you.
- My sister will put a page on her blog made just for you.
If the winner gets 16,500-19,999 points they will be able to choose 4 prizes.
If the winner gets 20,000-29,999 points they will be able to choose 5 prizes.
If the winner gets 30,000 points or higher, they will be able to choose 6 prizes.