According to the post above, it says that the website has a virus, but to me it seems hard to believe that Norton did not catch it, since when I had Norton it blocked some of my downloads that were safe. (Probably because it was a program made with Microsoft Visual Basics and that it could have easily have a virus or something...) Do not go to it because they won't give you the prize and all they really want to do is have profits all to themselves(I don't see how though cause there isn't any ads). And if you do happen to get enough points for a prize, you would have to do a survey first. And if thats the only way they generate income, think about how much a company(AdSense,,etc.) would pay them in return for someone clicking on the company's ad? On average(or to my guess) they would have only generated $0.0087(based on to $0.03(based on AdSense). I know I am using and AdSense even though they don't do the surveys thing. Basically, I highly doubt they would make a profit if they gave you your prize. What do you think?
So this is a website that I found through Princess_Moomoo's blog posts..
Epic Free Prizes
Apparently, by looking at the website, it seems fairly easy to earn points.
According to Norton's website, this site is safe:
While McAfee's website says something different..
And look at this question here on Epic Free Prizes' FAQ:
The answer says that they are able to stay free due to the surveys and ads on the website. I checked, and there was NO ads whatsoever. I find that suspicious since they mentioned there was ads on the website. Plus, they even added a thingy that is a comma except its at the top and not the bottom. So it wouldn't be called a comma. But anyways, it in the middle of the word 'ads'. I know people make mistakes though. and the donate page. You use Paypal to donate, and I don't know if they could even withdraw the money because to be able to use the donate button, it has to be for an nonprofit cause, and if nobody is getting rewarded, things aren't looking so non-profity.
AVG also says the website is safe.