Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Way to Say that Bad Word on Wizard101 o.-

Recently I noticed that Wizard101 has blacked people from saying: foe ok  which I think was a good thing, so no one can go around kind of saying the 'F' word...

Not that I say that.. i just tried typing it to see if it would work..

And now.. behold a new way people have found to say the 'F' word...

foe ack

I think it looks more like the word.. :/

Looks better than foe ok, but still the same unkind meaning xD

Pretty soon, Wizard101 is probably going to block saying "foe ack" too.. :P

I just gotta live until then..



  1. Jeremy Owlrider, Ice WizardAugust 12, 2013 at 7:43 AM

    They also got rid of the "foo k". If you do, a message appears on your screen and it says, "You have been reported! Saying bad words can get your wizard banned.".

  2. Actually, my friend said that today, and he made no mention of him being reported

    If it was you that was saying it, did you say "foo k" out loud? If you did, then someone that was there or saw that message probably reported you for saying a bad word.
