I was on Msn(it was the default homepage for IE, I never bothered to change it), and there was this banner at the top about a test to see what search results you like better. There are 2 search results side thingys... one is Google, and the other has results from Bing. Of course, so you don't just chose Google(or Bing) because its your main search engine, the creators of the test made both sides look identical(excluding the search results, cause different search engines=different search results). Here is a chart that tells you what did I chose. Mind you, I didn't know which results was Google or Bing, so don't accuse me of cheating. o.-

For the last search result, I mainly chose the one for Bing because there was an image on it. Other one didn't. So naturally, chose the one with the picture. :3
You too can take the test at:
http://www.bingiton.com/Landingpage.aspx?form=&publ=&crea=What did you get? Comment it below!
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